最新消息總覽>公告內容 發佈日期:2020-03-31 07:03:08   發佈單位:ITF
ITF 亞太區秘書 Jose Raul V Lamug 對於亞太地區疫情應變措施訊息

致亞太區全體 ITF 加盟工會


我們已於323日星期一發布了給全球政府及雇主的 Covid-19 要求(https://reurl.cc/9EOVbd),希望您已收到。

如同全球工會委員會 (CGU) 聲明 (https://reurl.cc/O1pV6X),我們呼籲應針對下列五大關鍵領域採取立即行動

1.     因應 COVID-19,保護工人是非常重要的

2.     以健康和安全為第一要務

3.     提供所有工人收入保障 

4.     由政府主導的經濟刺激措施

5.     維持不間斷的供應鏈


1.  影響貴會會員的主要問題(包括特定工人的具體問題,如空服員、碼頭工人、非正式勞工,以及女性和年輕運輸工人)

2.  貴單位對於全國性、地區性或不同行業的具體要求(包括所有與女性或年輕運輸工人有關的要求)

3.  目前與任何公司、機構或團體之間有關共同回應/要求的對話

4.  優先溝通的事項

如果您欲指定一個分享資訊和服務特定會員(例如女性或年輕運輸工人)的聯絡點,請在回覆中註明。我們的各部門會與各相關網絡聯繫,也會在適當情況下跟催國內協調委員會 (NCC) 的資訊。

若您有任何資訊,請在 4 2 日前提供給 Laurence Ball (ball_laurence@itf.org.uk +447788584934),如有任何疑問或需要任何協助,請與您的地區負責人聯繫:

   東南亞:區域秘書 Jose Raul Lamug(柬埔寨、印尼、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國)

   東亞:Katsuji Taki(日本、蒙古、韓國、臺灣)

   香港辦公室 Ting Kam-Yuen

   南亞:Sangam Tripathy(孟加拉、印度、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡)

   太平洋:Scott McDine(澳洲、斐濟、紐西蘭、吉里巴斯、巴布亞紐幾內亞、薩摩亞、索羅門群島、東帝汶、吐瓦魯)

在這段艱鉅時期,ITF 會盡可能提供最多的協助和資訊。在我們研擬計畫和行動的同時,也歡迎您提供任何反饋意見。



Jose Raul Lamug (Butch)

ITF 亞太區秘書

To all ITF affiliates in the Asia Pacific region

Dear friends,

As I hope you are aware, we released our global Covid-19 demands for governments and employers on Monday 23 March. 

In line with the Council of Global Unions (CGU) statement we have called for immediate action in five key areas:

  1. Protecting workers vital to the Covid-19 response
  2. Putting health and safety first
  3. Providing income protection for all workers
  4. Government-led stimulus to keep the economy going
  5. Maintaining sustainable supply chains

We are now looking to gather information to make our communications, policy demands and campaigning as meaningful and relevant for you as possible. We want to ensure we are supporting you as best we can be it through communications, lobbying or campaigning. To this end, we ask that you provide us with brief information on the following:

  1. The major issues impacting your members (including specific issues for specific workers, eg cabin crew, dockers, informal workers etc, and women and young transport workers)
  2. Any specific demands you are making nationally, regionally or sectorally (including anything specific relating to women or young transport workers)
  3. Current dialogue with any companies, agencies or bodies on joint responses / demands
  4. Your communications priorities

If you wish to nominate a contact point regarding information sharing and specific sections of your membership, eg women or young transport workers, please include that in your response. Our sections and departments are in contact with our various networks and we will also follow up with National Coordinating Committee (NCC) representatives where appropriate.

Please provide any information you can by 2 April if possible to Laurence Ball (ball_laurence@itf.org.uk +447788584934), and contact your sub regional office heads for any questions or if any support is required:

·       -  South East Asia, Jose Raul Lamug, Regional Secretary (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand)

·       -  East Asia, Katsuji Taki (Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan)

·       -  Hong Kong office, Ting Kam-Yuen

·       -  South Asia, Sangam Tripathy (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)

·       -  Pacific, Scott McDine (Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tuvalu)

The ITF will continue to provide you with as much support and information as possible during this challenging time. Any feedback you wish to give will be welcome as we develop our plans and actions.

In unity,

Jose Raul Lamug (Butch)

ITF Asia Pacific Regional Secretary