最新消息總覽>公告內容 發佈日期:2020-03-02 06:03:36   發佈單位:ITF
Covid 19 – Coronavirus Advice

ITF E-Circular No. 059/D/F/IN/S/SS/2020

2020 / 2 /28

Following a conversation with Industry Social Partners and communication with the WHO, IMO and ILO, please find attached a draft document issued by the WHO as guidance and awareness on Coronavirus.

The document is likely to be amended to reflect information which may become available, should the medical community identify additional findings on the spreading of the virus.

We continue to monitor the situation, which is evolving rapidly, and engage with Social Partners and UN Organisations to provide our contribution to tools and advice for seafarers wellbeing.

The WHO will shortly convene a meeting to activate an information focal point on the Coronavirus, which is going to include Transport and Maritime in particular. The aim of the focal point is to collect and share information about the spreading of the virus which may help to find ways of containing it.

I would be grateful, if through the network of your membership, you could provide us information on cases of contagion, seafarers concerns, port practices, on board prevention and any other information the Seafarers you represent came across or are witness to. Please forward the information to Barcellona_fabrizio@itf.org.uk

In solidarity

Fabrizio Barcellona

Assistant Secretary, Seafarers Section